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2 min read

Getting started with Omni - channel marketing

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We’ve recently shared our musings about Omni-channel marketing and why it’s a good idea to be doing it, or at least planning to implement it.

So, for those who have not quite mustered the momentum to be omni-potent in your customers marketing pipeline, here is a quick guide to how you might like to start.

1. Consolidate your tech stack

To drive Omni-channel benefits, the push needs to come from an integrated platform. Disparate and siloed tech platforms will not communicate well and are in danger of context switching. Ideally, one platform should be implemented that can respond to customer data inputs and customer behaviours, generating a single source of truth that results in razor sharp personalisation.

2. Walk in your customers’ shoes

To truly understand how you touch your customers, you need to map their journey. How are you encouraging the connection? What happens at first point of engagement? How do you manage the conversion to customer? What is your after-sales experience? All this needs to be consistently delivered with a tonal feel and easy to navigate visual purchase options. As users switch between devices and channels, a professional UX is essential, otherwise it’s no more than a couple of clicks and they are gone. Probably to a competitor.

3. Deep-dive the data

Review your data quality. Is it giving detailed insight or simply top-line assumptions? What can it tell you about campaign success and nurturing results? Your data should be nuanced enough to help you plan pathways for prospects, and conversions for customers. What area of interest has been triggered and what personalised content should be generated? What cross-selling opportunities exist based on purchase history and browsing experiences?

4. Personalise

Personalisation is key to Omni-channel marketing. If you see someone browsing your pricing page, for example, then purchase-ready content should be dropping into their inbox. Dynamic emails can be created to respond to triggers, and are populated with contextual messages and specific eBooks, that can be personalised to match buying behaviours. The days of catch-all-comms are long gone. Personalisation is paramount!

5. Consistency. Consistency. Consistency

Did we mention that you need to be consistent? Everything that comes from your brand, no matter the channel, needs to be consistent. Consistent in look, consistent in language, consistent in message… you get the drift. The challenge however is siloed platforms and departments often look and sound just that… siloed, fractured and disparate. Which takes us back to stage 1 - consolidated tech stack!

To discuss how marketing technology platforms such as HubSpot can help you introduce effective Omni-channel marketing, please get in touch, we’d love to have a chat with you!